Rune of the Month: Kenaz

Kenaz Rune of creativity

And I’m feeling good . . .

Monday, I like Mondays. A fresh slate. I’ve had a wonderful clearing walk along my local beach, with a soft breeze on my skin and cobalt skies above.

It’s given me clarity.

I sent those niggling emails, made that phone call I’ve put off for ages and generally got it together-in an easy, effortless and joyful way.  I am a happy bunny.

Would you like  to feel good and get clarity in your life now?

Is it time to go with the flow- and give up the struggle?

The rune of this month is Kenaz. A fiery Rune of creativity and passion.  A calling to be the change you want to see. Pertinent for International Peace Day on Friday 21st September.

Take time today for a walk in nature, get clarity with a Rune reading or create positive changes with a PSYCH-K session. It will make you feel good.