Rune Reading: Kenaz- Creativity and Knowledge

The Rune Reading of the Month: Kenaz

Kenaz the 6th Rune activates our fiery sacral chakra: expressing inner passions, gaining new knowledge and being a creative source.

It’s theme is Active from 13th September to 28th September.


I affectionately call Kenaz the Back to School Rune. It coincides with school/college/University/ courses beginning.. thus kick starting gaining new knowledge and creative expression.

The ancient origins of the word Kenaz is “kenning” which means inner knowing. Often associated with wise feminine wisdom, there is a strong element of listening, then trusting our “gut” feelings with Kenaz.

To activate this Rune in your life; here are some pertinent questions:-

  1. When did you last sing?
  2. When did you last dance?
  3. What is your true inner calling?

Kenaz calls us to “fire up” our true purpose in the Earthly world..and to be the Pied Piper in our own life.

  • Do you want help to take action and follow your inner joy in life?
  • Courage to commit to a new project or course of learning?
  • Develop the ability to enjoy being in the human body and sensual expression?

For  guidance and support tin being the Creative Source in your life and Expressing your true Passions-then perhaps have a Rune Reading with Ann, via Skype or in person. I offer General and In-depth readings plus Name translations.

Interested in learning about the Rune symbols? Join me on this fun, informative and interactive 1 day workshop-Discover the Ancient Runes on Saturday 26th October 2013 in Hove, East Sussex from 10-4.30pm.  Book onto Workshop