Awakening Sessions with Ann

Awakening Sessions with Ann

In changing times… do you need a new approach to gain peace, clarity and purpose? We are definitely living in unusual times. Times of uncertainty, endings, beginnings and mixed emotions. And because of that I have created a brand new treatment called the Awakening Session™ Drawing on my extensive expertise in talking therapies, mental health and personal growth- I have

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Rune vlog: Hagalaz- Ancestors and Overcome the Past

Rune blog:Hagalaz – Ancestors and Overcoming the past. Active theme from 28th October to 13th November.For Rune readings, talking therapies and healing go Posted by Ann O'keife on Monday, 28 October 2019   A Water Rune in the Unconscious aett. Active theme from 28th October until 13th November. Relates to Root and Earth star chakras. Remember, honour the Ancestors

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Rune Reading: Hagalaz-Past Influences and Ancestors

Hagalaz-Past influences and Ancestors

The Rune Reading of the Month: Hagalaz Hagalaz is the 9th Rune in the Elder Futhark and the first in the Unconcious Aett (family group). Hagalaz is a potent water rune that affects our base chakra and roots. Hagalaz is the active theme from 28th October to 13th November.  Today in the South of England we have wild storms and

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Take time to take stock

Powerful times with the Autumn Equinox and Harvest Full moon. It is however, the perfect opportunity to take stock. But what does that actually mean? Well for me, its making time (yes we all have the same 24 hours!) and to check in with our physical self, our emotional self, our mental self and spiritual self and asking; What do I need in order

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