Ann O'Keife Medicine Woman
Ann offers caring “can do” solutions for individuals and groups, sharing over 23 year’s professional experience in Rune Readings, Integrated Hypnotherapy, PSYCH-K, Healing, Counselling and Workshops.

About Ann O’Keife
Hello, my name is Ann O’Keife. I have a passion to serve, support and inspire. I am a solution focused therapist, healer, rune reader, teacher and artist. I am fascinated and inspired by personal growth and human evolution, symbolism and the natural kingdom. My own personal journey began after a deeply prophetic experience in 1994
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Laughter Yoga with Ann
What is Laughter Yoga & How can it help you? Laughter Yoga is a revolutionary idea – simple and profound. An exercise routine, it is sweeping the world and is a complete well-being workout. In today’s world, people want to be healthy, they want to be happy, but instead they are getting stressed out, depressed, getting less sleep,
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Rune Readings and Workshops
Discover the wisdom of the ancient Rune symbols and how they can transform, heal and balance your life.
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Would you like to live your life more fully? Feel more confident and self assured? Enjoy great health and purpose in life? Quit smoking and breathe easier? Become slimmer, healthier, and sexier? Free yourself from fears, phobias, and anxieties? Increase your personal power and wealth? Enjoy satisfying and loving relationships?
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Healing is the art of allowing Divine energy to filter through the healer and rebalance the chakras(energy points) in and around the body. When we are in balance, we have great health physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Healing is non invasive and gentle and can bring a sense of calm and peace.
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How can PSYCH-K® help me? This cutting edge technique brings harmony and re- alignment to the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind- using balancing exercises, brain gym and focused affirming language. PSYCH-K (TM) Allows for positive changes, rewriting any limiting beliefs you may have.
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