Lammas Ceremony Brighton-Celebrating the first Harvest

The Lammas festival on Saturday 1st August is a Celtic ceremony that celebrates the first harvest of the year.  Ceremony means to come together to create ritual that honours and celebrates important times of the year on the Wheel of Life. Lets come together in circle, to express our gratitude and truth for the fruits of our labour; on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes.

People of Earth
People of Earth

This is an uplifting gathering for adults and young people.

Venue: Unity Studios 130a Lewes Road, Brighton. BN2

From 6.30pm-8pm

Donations £10/ £5 for under 16yrs.

Bookings are welcomed.

Ann O’keife is an experienced workshop leader, Rune reader, Healer, Counsellor and Hypnotherapist.