Rune Reading: Jera- Cycles and Patience

The Rune Reading of the Month: Jera.

Jera is the 12th Rune in the Elder Futhark and 4th in the unconscious aett. Jera is unusual in that in it combines all the elements and relates to the spinal chord.

Jera is the active theme from 13th December to 28th December

As the wheel of the year turns we enter the darkest period, awaiting the Winter Solstice on 21st December so we can welcome back the light. Jera is the Christmas Rune. A time when we can be our most busy or stressed with outer pressures. Jera  requests that we take life step by step, moment by moment.

The message of Jera is practise compassion and patience with the self and extend this to others. 

I love the Kindness Project- a cause that encourages acts of kindness. You can sign up for their Global event on 21st December and be the change. 

Jera compassionately asks ;               

Jera-cycles and patience
Jera-cycles and patience
  • Can you slow down and take stock of the year so far?
  • Be gentle with yourself and others. Draw on understanding, compassion and simple acts of kindness.
  • Know deep within that there is a time for everything. Are you considering  a new beginning, in the midst of something or coming to a completion in areas of your life? Perhaps use journaling, meditation or wise counsel to help with this.
  • Practise gratitude to bring you into the present moment.

I wish you all a Very Happy Solstice, Christmas and 2015!

The Gratitude Group Shoreham

Tuesday 6th January from 7.30pm-8.30pm at my cosy home opposite kingston Beach in Shoreham by Sea.

Every first Tuesday of the month we share, write and express in a safe and friendly environment all that we are grateful for in life. Then we enter a deep, beautiful , peaceful space called the Grateful Heart Meditation. Plus tea and biscuits to finish. Spaces are limited, so booking is welcomed.

Click here to find out more>

For guidance and support in life,  then a Rune Reading with Ann, via Skype or phone or in person (Sussex and London) could help.

Ann offers General and In-depth 3 lifetimes readings, Solar Return readings plus Name translations reports.

I am offering Rune Readings At Toast by the Coast Cafe, East Street, Shoreham on Friday 9th January from 2-5pm. And at Butterfly Tarot, Camden Lock, London Mid January. Bookings are recommended.