The Rune Reading of the Month: Mannaz. Mannaz is the 20th Rune in the Elder Futhark and 3rd in the Transformational aett. Mannez is an Air rune and relates to the hemispheres of the brain and to the human intellect. Mannez is the active the theme from 14th April to 29th April. In Runic mythology, Ask and Embla, an Ash and an Elm tree,
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Rune Reading: Perthro-Birthing and Risk taking.
The Rune Reading of the Month: Perthro. Perthro is the 14th Rune in the Elder Futhark and the sixth in the Unconscious Aett (family group). Perthro is a Water rune that relates to the womb area and the sacral charkra. Perthro is the active theme from 14th January to 28th January. Perthro has a strong feminine energy and like the
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